Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sweet Relief.

Yesterday I got pretty down about Cody's progress since his surgery. I told Amanda I thought maybe the surgery was a mistake, he's seemed so sluggish and slow. We had to pull him on his walks, usually he pulls us! We would put food in his bowl and he would just stare at it and slowly pick at it throughout the day. He'd lost the little puppy quality that he's held onto for all these years. Jonny and I just told each other last night that we just need to give him more time to recover...he would be his old self again soon.

 This morning we did the normal routine. I put Cody's vitamins and medicine in his food bowl, patted his little head and plunked breakfast down on his mat. He just stared at it. I let out a long worried sigh. Let him outside to do his business.When he came back into the house he went to a dimly lit corner of the living room and was sniffing at this dark pile of something. I SHRIEKED! Cody looked at me like I was nuts and meandered into the kitchen. It took me some time to get the courage to go over to investigate what it was. My first thought, it's his intestines. They have come out of his body and are on my living room floor! Second thought, really bad diarrhea?? Nope. It was an ace bandage. An entire ace bandage surrounded by doggy vomit. **Sorry for the graphic nature of my description.** I ran to the laundry room where I had just laundered his bandages. All were accounted for. Best I can figure, he ate that bandage while he was still living with my mom and recovering from his surgery. You could tell his body had tried to digest it. I can't imagine how it didn't kill him. How he was still able to eat, albeit less enthusiastically, and still go to the bathroom. When I came home from work this evening he jumped up to greet me. He drooled while I prepared his dinner and gobbled it up. He even tried to fight another dog on his walk!! I never thought I'd be so happy about that kind of behavior. Jonny and I both are practically giddy! There's this hearty quality about Cody that I've always loved. He's back. Thank God.

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