Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Road Trip!

I'm totally obsessed with this motel I stumbled across. It's called "The Shady Dell"  and it's nestled in the heart of historic Bisbee, Arizona. It's made up of vintage 1950's trailers that have been restored, each with a different theme. Their tag line is, "Experience the 1950's in Full Technicolor." Are they marketing directly to me?? I HAVE to go! Only drawback; Bisbee is a 14 hour drive from Salt Lake City. Can I justify that?                                                                     

Peggy's Diner. Could you just die. Look at the picket fence.

Oh, I can just see me and Jonny sipping some mint tea and chatting for hours at that kitschy little table!

 Today was pretty good. They opened a Kathmandu A BLOCK from my house. Really delish Indian food. I sang "That's All I Ask Of You" at the top of my lungs on the way home from work and cried the whole time thinking of Jonny. Two things that were kind of a downer; I got locked in the bathroom at work. It was funny until it wasn't. I got really bad heartburn. If that ever happens to you drink a tall glass of warm water with a tablespoon of baking soda dissolved in it. Works fast and works well!

1 comment:

  1. I was looking for a picture of a 50's trailer and stumbled over your site. Lovely write-up of a historical throwback....great job.
