Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A night of terror. And pee. And poop.

Lucy and Amelia, in what they call "Pillow Paradise."
The night started out innocently enough. A little sushi. A little girl talk. A lot of fun. It wasn't too long, though, until we got a frantic call from Natasha's girls. Something about a flood. A clogged toilet. Morgan making an emergency trip to Rite Aid. I could hear the baby crying on the other end of the phone and the poor girls were trying to comfort her alone. I'd like to say that we rushed home but...we didn't. Amanda was too cheap to go with us, and thank goodness, because she came to the rescue. Tending the girls and Benny so Morgan could deal with the fiasco until we came home. I interviewed "the girls" when we got back. According to them, this is what went down.

Lucy: Well earlier today we were eating chocolate covered pomegranates. (I'm guessing she meant seeds.) And I didn't want all the ones I had so.............are you going to show this to my mom?
Me: Nah.
Lucy: Okay well I took more than I wanted to eat so I flushed 4 of them down the toilet.
Amelia: IT WAS FIVE!
Lucy: No it was just four!! My mom went in to use the bathroom and she said it wouldn't flush.
Amelia: After you guys left we heard this drip, drop, drip, drop coming from the basement. Dad went to the basement and there was water coming from the ceiling.
Lucy: Actually that was pee.
Amelia: Ya, it was. Pee AND poop! Dad took the kitty litter box and dumped it on the ground so he could put it under the leak. There was cat poop everywhere. That's when we called you guys and Amanda came over. She was stressed.
Lucy: Dad came back from Rite Aid and he put the thing down the toilet. When he pulled it out there was toilet paper with poop on it. We weren't supposed to use the sink or anything and Amanda put soap on her hands and started to use the water in the sink. I was like, you probably shouldn't be doing that......
Me: You should have just told her to rinse them off in the toilet.
Lucy: You don't understand. The water in the toilet was all poopy and brown!!!
Me. Ohhhhhhhhhhh. I see. If you had to describe what happened tonight in a word or a sentence or two what would it be.
Lucy: My dad put his hand in the toilet. He pulled the thing out and there was tissue and poop on it. (I think this image is haunting Lucy.)
Ameila: Clogged toilets and poop are disgusting.

The plumber, who may as well have been superman, tries to get to the bottom of all this pee and poop. 

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