Sunday, December 20, 2009

Today this little beauty is 18! WOW! I still remember the day she was born. It was the last day of school before Christmas break. My mom was going to be induced and she still made me go to school arrgh! I was so excited I couldn't concentrate on making my sled ornament out of popsicle sticks and glitter (a project that I normally would have been thrilled about!!) Well I remember literally pacing the classroom when my dad finally came to pick me up. I grabbed my backpack and me and my sister and dad were off to the hospital! We talked and waited in the hospital room with my mom for what seemed like two weeks. We didn't know if Taylor was a boy or a girl so we made bets on what we thought she was going to be. I wanted a baby sister SO BAD! When the big moment finally arrived we were asked to leave the room (my mom is not one of THOSE moms who is cool with her kids seeing her give birth and thank goodness!!) When we came back into the room we had a brand new baby sister! I was thrilled! She was so cute and tiny. She had these perfect little fingernails. She made the cutest little noises! She kept trying to touch her face. So in honor of this special day here are my favorite Taylor moments!

One Thanksgiving when she was just a baby we were all playing in the living room having just finished our delicious meal! Taylor had just learned to walk and was still getting her sea legs but she came walking into the room FAST and started projectile vomiting (like 2 feet) all over my moms white carpet. The funniest part was she just kept walking!! My mom was soooo mad at me and Amanda because we were laughing but she didn't see it!!

When she used to poop in her diaper she would walk like she was doing a plie' in second position and when we would try and catch her and she would run and hide under my moms bed!

The time Cody dragged her down the driveway by her underwear. She was about 10 when that happened and she was sooo mad at me because I could not stop laughing! But she was so skinny and looked like Mowgli from the Jungle Book. She was no match for our 100 plb. dog.

She use to lay in a laundry basket with a baby blanket and pretend to be the baby Jesus. Now that is cheap fun!

She used to wear her Belle costume to preschool and my mom would let her! My mom never would have let us do that but I think by then she had learned to pick her battles.

She used to have a Ken doll that didn't have any pants. This apparently did not sit well with her because she put a little pink sock around him. That sock was on that Ken doll for years!

Above all she has always been a good sport. We loved her but we made her life hard with our teasing! I guess that's what happens when you're the youngest!

Well thank goodness this little human came into the world! Our family would be incomplete without her!

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