Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It is with a very heavy heart..........

That I say goodbye to my blonde hair.**big sigh**
It's been good to me and I love it oh so much. Unfortunatly my natural hair color is about as FAR from blonde as one can get. The problem that this presents is that having naturally long AND blonde hair is pretty much out of the question. It breaks off almost as fast as it can grow. Extensions are great and literally make me feel instantly 10 times prettier but there's nothing like the real thing. So I have today made a very serious decision, that I want naturally long hair more than I want blonde hair. A decision I think must be akin to a child forced to pick which parent to live with. (that's a joke) Rest In Peace blonde we've been through some great times together.

I used to have black hair..like jet black with a blue intensifier then brown and then blonde. My grandma makes no bones about the fact that she hated my hair black and choses to bring it up often. "just don't ever go black again whatever you do" or "i just really didn't like your hair that dark" etc etc...I FREAKIN GET IT, GEEZ! Rude! hahahahahahhaha..I would never go back to that color, it was good for that time and that place and I really loved it, old ladies would always tell me I looked like Pricsilla Presley, but I feel lighter now that I'm a little more mature and I'm not in a "punk' phase anymore. By punk I mean I work tiny gages and a black sabbath shirt to beauty school...BAD A I know!!


  1. Brooke, you make me laugh! When I dyed my hair brown, my grandma repeatedly told me how much she liked me as a blonde. My hair isn't even as blonde as it used to be because it was breaking off so bad. It is too much work! You'll love having natural hair again.

  2. Grandmas! Maybe when you get older you just don't feel the need to waste time on social graces!! I just want it to be long, you know? I love blonde but I know brown will be healthier and cheaper. The good news is in my family we go almost 100 percent grey by 40 so I can be blonde then!!

  3. I totally feel your pain. I was blonde for years, but when I turned 25 I felt like I was too old to be spending SO much time and money on my hair. So now I'm all boring, brown, and healthy and it sucks. I miss my blonde hair so much. Good luck, I'm sorry for your loss. :)
