Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Aren't lilacs the prettiest. My mom used to pull over at the side of the road and steal them every year and now I'm carrying on the tradition. The lilac season is sadly way too short and always makes me think of the Robert Frost poem, "Nothing Gold Can Stay."

Natures first green is gold.
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leafs a flower.
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief.
So dawn goes to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

Isn't it the truest thing ever?? There are so many times when the phrase echos in my ears. It makes me sad but grateful. I wish I could just hold on to some days and never let them go........

The last Saturday I spent with my sister making whole wheat pizza's and salmon, crying together while we watched Oprah and enjoying the beautiful sunshine.

The last year I lived at home. Getting to spend hours with my brother and sisters. Laughing in the kitchen with my mom.

The week Jonny and I spent together in Disneyland after we got engaged.

Laghing harder than I have ever laghed with Amanda, Joe, Emily and Pat while we sat in our regular booth at Dennys eating fries and drinking gallons of diet coke (coffe for Pat!!)

The hours I spent in the ballet studio, what a privlage it was to study ballet and what a privlage it was to give up everything just to wear a tutu and stand up on stage with The Salt Creek Ballet. We were like the band of brothers, except we were girls and there was no war, just The Nutcracker : )

I know that next year I will miss this year and so on and so forth and that's what I love about that poem, it reminds you to soak in those beautiful moments while you're in them and that's what I'm all about : )

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