Sunday, January 3, 2010

Reasons I Love This Crazy

From the time we could talk till the time we graduated from high school we would stay up late talking and laughing when we were supposed to be doing our homework. Especially in high school when we had about three hours of homework a night after getting home from ballet at around 9.30. My mom would say I could hear you guys cackling at 1 o'clock in the morning!

She is sweet. She doesn't judge people. She was always friendly to the underdog.

When we were seniors in high school we were the "Spanish dancers" together in The Nutcracker. I'm not being conceited when I say this but, we rocked it : )

She is the only one who I know will always get my sense of humor. Sometimes we will be dying laughing and everyone else just stares at us like we're stupid and crazy.

She loves animals. When we were little and I was scared I would go downstairs two floors to her all yellow room and she was always reading a book about some different kind animal. I remember her saying, "I just love animals," and then continue to tell me about North African Elephants or something like that.

This sounds mean but when she makes fun of people it's hilarious.

She recently realized she was in a situation that was horrible for her and she turned around and walked away from it. It took strength that I don't think she knew she had.

She loves those leggings!!! I don't think I've seen her in pants for like 2 years.

When she's down she goes on you tube and types in "'People Falling."


  1. I love leggings, too! This post is funny and sweet at the same time. I miss you guys!

  2. She looks so cute in her leggings! I love her!

  3. And we love you Erica!
    Heather, we miss you too! You are pretty much the funniest person I've ever met!
