Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Ugly Cry

Today I tried on my last and very favorite wedding dress. Okay, I know I said earlier that I thought I'd found "the dress" but I really did find it this time. I put it on and I just knew. It was SO ME! I still had a dressing room full of dresses left so I tried them on too. I was trying on all my dresses and my friend Kristal reminded me that I needed a veil. Now, I don't know what it is about veils that gets me so emotional but when I saw my friend Erica in her wedding dress for the first time and I was just fine but when the lady put her veil on HERE CAME THE WATERWORKS! It was pretty much the same thing today. At first I thought it was a controllable cry and nobody would notice but it got so bad the nice lady helping me had to get me a tissue! MY OH MY! It was a great day! Love to everyone..I'm just bursting with it!

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